Shepherd Chamber of Commerce

Shepherd Chamber of Commerce

16 N. Liberty St, Shepherd, TX 77371


Ribbon Cutting for Herrington Group Mortgage at Coldspring Chamber of Commerce

DJ Karaoke Joe at work!

Coldspring Chamber of Commerce

31 N. Butler St., Coldspring, TX 77331


Being greeted at the Princess Tea Party sponsored by Coldspring Library

Celeration timllow and Grace Aesthetics in Shepherd

Did You Know?

by Yvonne Cones

The Coldspring Garden Club went on a Field Trip last week. Setting off earlier than the normal Club time at 10AM, they visited the Annual Spring Festival featuring Nature's Way Resources. This company states their aim is to produce "Natural products that work with the Laws of Nature." Talks on 'The Importance of Fungi in a Garden" and "Types of Compost" were just a few of the subjects touched upon. The members enjoyed their day and the tour they had of the grounds. To know more about this company and its products go to their web site or call 936-273-1200.

SJC Historical Commission had their monthly meeting last week and discussed plans of
work for the coming months. Spring cleaning the Jailhouse Museum is top of the list. This building is unusual in that it was both a jail and a residence for the jailer and his family. Downstairs had a kitchen, living room and two bedrooms. Upstairs cells for the inmates and a trap door for a possible hanging although I believe it was never used for that. There was a tall tree in the grounds if needed! Other buildings will also be cleaned as well as planting and gardening on the grounds.

Coldspring Library have made a change for their fundraiser this year. On March 22 from 9 AM-3 PM, 'Sale in the Shed' will be open for buyers of all kinds of goods. Furniture, art, jewelry, household items etc. will be on sale at great prices. (Cheap!) these are donations from many people which would go into the annual Garage Sale. This year the 'Sale in the Shed' will take the place of that event. Make note of this event, there are some fabulous things on sale.

Coldspring Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for new member, Herrington Group Mortgage. This company can be found on Facebook, Rob Herrington is a Loan Officer Specialist and says their company prides itself on 3 core values, service, speed and pricing. The company can be reached at 281-221-5326.

Coldspring Library had a beautiful 'Princess Tea Party' recently with many lovely young princesses enjoying the event. They were greeted by a very Royal princess in a wonderful gown! Sorry I have no names yet! Don't forget the Dolly Parton Imagination Library for children 0-5 years old.

Shepherd Board member and VP Joe La Blanc is also Karaoke Joe Services. Joe was a big winner in the 'Best of San Jacinto County Banquet.  He won as SJC Best Artist/Entertainment; Best of East Texas (48 counties) Best DJ/ entertainer; Polk County Best artist/ entertainment for the year 2024. Whew! He is a busy man. Not only does he appear at many clubs and events, he is popular for family reunions, weddings etc. He has a Facebook page and is also responsible for the Chamber Facebook page. Call him 281-622-7044.

Nature's Way field trip for Coldspring Garden Club members.